A Quick Blocking

My mom found a box of yarn in the attic last year and it came to me, because I'm the only one who uses yarn and because it was mine originally, anyway. Or, secondarily, actually, since it came along with a secondhand loom my indulgent parents bought me when I was in high school.

It's good yarn, in that it's all wool or wool blended with other natural fibers. But it's also old yarn, "permanently moth-proofed", and colors I didn't choose.

I decided it could be a good afghan if I picked the border color and, because a friend had just started a fantastic hexagon quilt and I was jealous of all those tesselating hexagons, I made hexagons.

I started by casting on a ring and thought I'd work outside-in because I like decreasing better than increasing, but that was no fun at all. I hate casting on and I really hate knitting into the cast-on row, much much more than I dislike increasing.


Inside out worked much better and I whacked out four patches, sewed them together, and then left them sitting around in a rumpled heap as I fretted over whether they would ever block flat (and fretted over my last semester of grad school, that too).

But what do you know? They WILL block flat! Also, "permanently moth-proofed" yarn smells awful when it's wet.
